Friday, January 17, 2014

The Best Feedback Comes From Within

The Best Feedback Comes From Within

Is it safe?  This is the most important question that needs to be answered in the workplace.  Chance taking is not a proper form of risk assessment!  So how do we know if it is safe?  How do we know that the employee can answer that question?  We train (hopefully), we set standards (hopefully above minimal compliance), and we seek feedback.

Some of the best organized feedback can come from the safety committee.  These voluntary members can collect information from fellow workers, ply their knowledge reviewing issues and with proper training sort through the mundane and present information on critical items for review and discussion.  Most importantly, things unnoticed now have a communication path.

We can engineer operations but no one is closer to the task than the employee, the same people that should make up the safety committee.  The worker tasked with completion of the operation is the best source of information on the safe aspects and quite frankly, productivity considerations.  Often, these suggestions not only affect safety considerations, but improved process and productivity.
A well-organized safety committee empowers the workforce to participate, voice their concerns, to be part of the successful operation and most importantly, part of the change.  The commitment to such an effort is demanding but has great return on invested time.  This form of involvement and communication is excellent.

  • If you do not have a safety committee, start one!   Seek out assistance to help properly organize and seek out voluntary participation.  Make it important!
  • If you have one, review its operation and make adjustments as needed to keep it effective.

Author: John P. Coniglio - PhD, CSP, CHMM, RPIH, CSC
Executive VP of OSEA (

Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 New Year's Resolution: Improve Safety Performance

10 ways to improve safety performance in 2014

1.     What is your safety culture?  Find out what employees and supervisors think of your safety effort.

2.     Do an assessment, get feedback.  Then follow up after 6 months to see if any adjustments are having impact on areas of negative feedback.

3.     Train and train effectively.  This includes all employees and supervision.

4.     Top management with renewed involvement.  Pace setters with vigor!

5.     Set goals and expectations.  Utilize the safety professional assisting the site to aid the process and gauge results.

6.     Do an audit of the facility and operations.  Use employees in the process.  Look beyond mere regulatory compliance and check to see things are safe.

7.     Review your safety management system or safety program. Update and plan for the year’s activity based on your expected operations, goals and objectives.  If you don’t have one, develop one.

8.      Reinvigorate your safety committee, if one is not present set it up.

9.      Begin to do or reevaluate current Job Safety (Hazard) Analysis for critical tasks.  This will include personal protection selection and evaluation of indoor air quality.

10.   Do safety briefs daily.  Review and discuss with work crews the day’s activity, safety concerns and expectations.

Good luck with your efforts as luck will come from nothing more than well directed effort!

Author: John P. Coniglio - PhD, CSP, CHMM, RPIH, CSC
Executive VP of OSEA (