Within the last year new software and apps have been popping up for the construction world with promises from "keep your company safer" to "save you money". We fully understand the need for the construction industry to leverage new technology, however most of the products we have demoed were either garbage or way too complicated and seemed to make the job harder. Lets face it if I have to train my employees on how to use software or an app because, well, its that complicated then I don't plan on using that product. I want something that works right out of the box, is user friendly and actually makes my job easier or makes me more marketable to my clients. One product that we got an inside look at is FieldLens (below) and it blew us away. This is the first solution we looked at that will in our opinion put the competition to bed for sure, we are eagerly anticipating the beta release so we can get this thing working for us in the field.